Firmware release process

Our deployment strategy for new firmware versions relies on a data-driven release model, ensuring that updates are delivered to our customers with precision. By scheduling seamless firmware upgrades within designated maintenance windows, we guarantee minimal disruption to operations and that all customers are on the latest firmware.

Each firmware version undergoes exhaustive quality assurance and beta testing phases, designed to detect regressions and ensure stability prior to a wider rollout across our network fleet.

Leveraging our cloud-managed architecture, we instantaneously gather feedback on a variety of key performance indicators (KPIs) from our customer networks. This facilitates real-time assessment of firmware stability.

New feature development
End of sprint
New build cut
Network Operating System
Security Appliance OS
Wireless OS
Switch OS
Bug fixes
ETA: 2-5 business days


Basic functionality testing






New feature testing


Regression testing
No regressions from last GA
Dogfood/Alpha testing
Bake time: 1 week
New regression / Performance and stability KPIs not met


Meter Employees' home networks


Meter Staging


Meter Office network
No new regressions
Performance and stability KPIs met
Bake time: 2 weeks
New regression / Performance and stability KPIs not met


Upgrade pre-identified beta customers


Incrementally update customers based on increasing network complexity
No new regressions
Performance and stability KPIs met
Release candidate
Bake time: 3 weeks
New regression / Performance and stability KPIs not met


Incrementally update customers based on increasing network complexity
No new regressions
Performance and stability KPIs met
Generally available, stable release